Les catholiques et les élections

Les catholiques, le Tea Party et les élections

Commentaires (3)
  1. Denis Cloutier dit :

    A votre place j’avancerais avec prudence avec un tel mouvement de masse, vous n’ en connaissez pas toutes les facettes.
    N’ allez pas vous juxtaposer avec des alarmiste réactionnaire de l’ ultra droite , des agitateurs politiques de première brandissant des armes de poing car le drapeau que vous saluez est le même qui vous envoie à la guerre peut importe la raison.

    Une guerre civile c’est assez et chez vous, vous avez vécu deux guerres mondiale et vous venez a peine d’ en guérir les cicatrices.

  2. Denis Cloutier dit :

    Une année d’élection déjà remarquable pour sa ménagerie des candidats extrême et inhabituelle peut ajouter un autre: Rich Iott, Le candidat républicain pour le Congrès du 9ème Arrondissement de l’Ohio, et un favori Tea Party, qui pendant des années a enfilé un uniforme allemand Waffen SS nazis et a participé à des reconstitutions.

  3. DenisCloutier dit :

    Nous avons ici un candidat républicain (Rich Iott) cautionné par le tea party qui joue à appartenir à la «5th SS Panzer Division Wiking».

    War crimes
    Members of the division’s bakery column, led by Obersturmführer Braunnagel and Untersturmführer Kochalty, assisted Einsatzgruppe A in rounding up Ukrainian Jews. Witnesses report that the Jewish victims were forced to run a gauntlet formed by soldiers who would beat them as they passed, and when they reached the end of the gauntlet, Einsatzgruppen officers murdered them and their bodies were pushed into a bomb crater. The German 1st Mountain Division is also suspected of being implicated. Between 50 and 60 Jews were killed in this manner, as a part of the larger Einsatzgruppe operation which resulted in over 700 murders[8]

    In addition historian Eleonore Lappin from the Institute for the History of Jews in Austria has documented several cases of war crimes committed by members of the 5 SS Division Wiking in her work The Death Marches of Hungarian Jews Through Austria in the Spring of 1945.[9]

    On March 28, 1945, eighty Jews from evacuation column, though fit for the journey, were shot by three members of the Waffen SS division Wiking and five military policemen. On April 4, twenty members of another column that left Graz tried to escape near Eggenfeld, not far from Gratkorn. Soldiers from the 5 SS Division Wiking that were temporarily stationed there apprehended them in the forest near Mt. Eggenfeld and then herded them in a gully, where they were shot. On April 7 and 11, 1945 members of the division executed another eighteen escaped prisoners.[9] 5 SS Division Wiking war crimes have not been confirmed[citation needed], mostly because they were not proven guilty in the Nuremberg trials